
Brief Explanation

The evaluation allows you to reflect on the success of the project in meeting the objectives identified in Analysis. You should also reflect on feedback from the third party and discuss potential improvements and extensions to the solution.

A sensible approach would be to copy the objectives from the analysis into the evaluation so that each can be easily commented on. For each objective, you should judge how effectively it has been met and also comment (if appropriate) on how the solution might be improved in this area.

You should aim to explain, in outline, how you might go about implementing any the possible improvements. Even if you do not have time to do any yourself, demonstrating the knowledge of how these would be approached could be beneficial to your marks.

It is important that some third party(s) feedback obtained and analysed, not simply included. In addition to commenting on the individual objectives, you should also give an overview of the effectiveness of your solution, as it may be that some points would not be covered by commenting on the objectives alone. For example, some ideas for improving the system might be outside of the selected objectives. The actual feedback obtained from the third party(s) should be included in an appendix. If feedback was also obtained at an earlier stage in the production of the project, for example based upon a prototype, then this could be referenced to in this evaluation so that it could be considered for credit.

Mark Scheme