CCCS #1 Early Computing

Video 1 - Why are computers so important - and what where the early computers used for / like.

Now move onto Video #2

1. What was the earliest recognized device for computing?

2. Which early computing pioneer said "At each increase of knowledge, as well as on the contrivance of every new tool, human labour becomes abridged?"

Think about what is meant by this statement and how it can be applied to your life, now and in the future.

3. How did the military apply computing to complex problems on the battlefield?

This is a fairly standard physics problem that we now take a bit for granted in many of the games we play.

4. What problems did they come across?

5. What was Charles Babbage famous for?

If you have been to the Science Museum in London you may have seen a recreation of it. 

6. What could Charles's machine be used for?