CCCS #3 Boolean Logic

Video 3 - Boolean Logic - Logic Gates - making decisions.

Introducing the idea of Abstraction.

Now try Video #4

Logic is the foundation of how computers make decisions.  So when we are running a system - such as an alarm that will only sound when someone is breaking in - we will be using a circuit with logic gates. 

Abstraction (one definition is: removing detail so the problem is more easily understood) 

1) What does the video say that binary means? 

2) What is the problem with having multiple voltage states?

3) What are the three fundamental operations in Boolean algebra? 

4) What role does the control wire have in a transistor? 

5) For an AND operation when is the output true? 

6) How many transistors are needed for an AND gate?

7) For an OR operation when is the output true? 

8) In an OR gate what is the arrangement of the two transistors? 

9) How is an XOR operation different to an OR operation?

10) Why is the XOR symbol an example of abstraction?