CCCS #4 Binary Numbers

Video 4 - This is about Representation of Data using Binary numbers.

Now for video #5

Binary numbers are easy to use - if you have counted to 2 you have gone too far. 

1) Why are binary numbers called base 2 ?

Our normal way of calculating numbers relies on using base 10 numbers - 0 to 9 Binary only uses the same principles but with just two numbers 0 and 1

2) What is the largest number we can represent with 8 bits in binary ?

3) How many different numbers can we represent using 8 bits in binary? 

4) How many bits are in  a Byte? 

Note that in this video when it describes floating point numbers the A level course would describe the significand as the Mantissa. 

5) What does ASCii Stand for? 

Representing text using numbers is something computers do all the time. There are several coding schemes of which ASCii is one. 

6) How many bits does ASCii code use?

7) When was UNICODE devised and why?

8) in 32 bits approximately what is the largest number you can represent?

9) What do most computers use the first bit to denote?

10) Computers label their memory locations what are these called?