SQL - how to write a simple query


  • Purpose: Used to specify which columns of data to retrieve from a table.
  • Syntax:

    SELECT column_name1, column_name2

    • Use * to select all columns.
    • Example:

      SELECT name, age FROM students;


  • Purpose: Specifies the table from which the data will be retrieved.
  • Syntax:

    FROM table_name

    • Example:

      SELECT * FROM books;


  • Purpose: Filters the results to only include rows that meet certain conditions.
  • Syntax:

    WHERE condition

    • Example:

      SELECT name, grade FROM students WHERE grade > 70;

    • Operators for conditions include:
      • =: Equal to
      • >: Greater than
      • <: Less than
      • >=: Greater than or equal to
      • <=: Less than or equal to
      • <>: Not equal to


  • Purpose: Combines multiple conditions.
  • Syntax:

    WHERE condition1 AND condition2

    WHERE condition1 OR condition2

    • Example:

      SELECT name FROM students WHERE grade > 70 AND attendance > 90;


  • Purpose: Sorts the results by one or more columns.
  • Syntax:

    ORDER BY column_name [ASC|DESC]

    • ASC (default): Ascending order
    • DESC: Descending order
    • Example:

      SELECT name, grade FROM students ORDER BY grade DESC;

6. LIMIT (Optional in some SQL dialects)

  • Purpose: Restricts the number of rows returned.
  • Syntax:

    LIMIT number_of_rows

    • Example:

      SELECT name FROM students LIMIT 5;

General Rules

  1. Case Sensitivity: SQL keywords (e.g., SELECT, WHERE) are not case-sensitive.
  2. Semicolon (;): End each statement with a semicolon to mark its completion.
  3. Quotes: Use single quotes (') for text values. Double quotes are used for column/table names if necessary.
    • Single-line: -- This is a comment
    • Multi-line: /* This is a multi-line comment */

Example Query

Retrieve the names and grades of students who scored above 70, sorted by grade in descending order:

SELECT name, grade

FROM students WHERE grade > 70 ORDER BY grade DESC;