Web design project

Assessment criteria

7A well designed, multi-page website has been developed which utilises advanced techniques such as CSS or JavaScript. There will be consistency in the layout between each page and effective layout and content has been produced.
6An effective multi-page website has been developed. There has been an attempt to utilise CSS or JavaScript which enhances the functionality or design of the website in some way. Some considerable thought has been given to the design of the website.
5Design a multi-page website which makes good use of layout on each page. Some minor errors may be present in the code but overall the site displays correctly. A basic attempt to include an advanced technique has been made however this may not work as intended e.g. CSS or JavaScript.
4Design a website consisting of at least two pages which makes basic use of text formatting and includes some images across the site. There will be errors in the code and this affects what is displayed on the final webpage. Elements of each page may be unfinished or incomplete.
3Produce a single page website which includes at least one image, some basic text formatting and a limited range of web design techniques. There may be some significant errors in the code behind the website which affect how certain aspects display on the final preview.

An introduction to this project can be found by clicking here.

Week 1

Explaination of tags

Week 2

Alternative file for student workbook for week 2 - same file - just in case you have problems saving

Week 3

Student Work Book Week 3 Alternative file in case of problems

Weeks 4 and 5

During these two weeks you will spend time developing your website. At the end of the project you will need to submit:

  1. Screenshots of your code from each page of website
  2. Screenshots of your finished webpages
  3. A link to your repl.it webpage