Malware ()

Malware is short for Malicious Code / or Software and includes any piece of software that attempts to: 

  • Disrupt the function of a computer system - Anything from slowing it down to printing hello on the screen a million times. 
  • Gain unauthorised access to the system or files.  - Finding passwords or private documents
  • Gather information from the system / user without the knowledge of the owner / user.   - Key logging software for example. 

Types of Malware 

In addition it would be useful to know about a type of Malware that has been especially in the news during the last year or so - that of Ransomware - these programs encrypt the files on a computer and then demand a payment before they can be unlocked.  The NHS as well as many other organisations were affected by this - machines which were un-patched or not fully updated were especially vulnerable.

The information below is from the Cambridge GCSE Text Book - page 210

And their advice about trying to combat these threats