Extended programming tasks

Assessment criteria

Efficient programming techniques
The techniques used produce partially working solutions to a small part of the problem. 0 = no response or responses not worthy of credit. [0-4]
The techniques are used appropriately giving working solutions to most of the parts of the problem.  Some sections of the solution are inefficiently coded. [5-8]
The techniques are used appropriately in all cases giving an efficient, working solution for all parts of the problem.

PyGame, Tkinter or OOP has been integrated into the solution. [9-12]
Use of programming techniques
There is an attempt to solve parts of the tasks using few of the techniques identified.  0 = no response or responses not worthy of credit. [0-2]
There is an attempt at most parts of the tasks using several techniques. [3-4]
There is an attempt to solve all of the tasks using most of the techniques listed. [5-6]
Commenting of code
No comments in the code [0]
Some comments in the code [1]
All code commented appropriately [2]