Task 7 - Adventure Game V2


To make a text based adventure game to show off all of your programming skills. Your character should be able to move around between locations, pick-up objects and interact with other characters/enemies. The scope of your story is completely up to you but there are a few ideas below that people have completed in the past.

Fantasy game: A fantasy style adventure with gobins, woods, swords etc.

Escape room: A game where your character was trapped in a house and you had to solve puzzles in each room to escape

Football prospect: You were a professional footballer who could travel between locations like stadium, training ground etc. You could improve your stats and it increased the chances of you winning matches at the stadium

Its important you use as many skills as possible in your game. The diagram below might help give you some ideas.

Where to start

The following 4 videos show how to make locations using functions and then move around. Please work through them if you are unsure where to begin:

01 Understanding basic functions

02 Simple story

03 Global variables

04 Moving around

Help Videos & Guides

GCSE Skills

Below are the main skills you must have by the end of the GCSE course. If you are a Y10 or Y11 student then you should try and demonstrate all of these skills within your game.

SkillExample Use
InputsAsking for the players name
OutputsPrinting out the story as you play the game
If StatementsMaking decisions such as left or right down a chosen path
Nested If StatementsMaking decisions based on a previous decision
For LoopsSpending attribute points to upgrade your character
While LoopsHaving two characters fight until ones health reaches 0
ListsFor a bag to store items as you progress through the game, or a list of locations you have previous visited
ProceduresFor the locations to visit as you move around the game
FunctionsTo add an item to your bag
File HandlingTo save an instance of your game so it stores your health, money, inventory etc.
External Modules/LibrariesImporting random to build chance into the game