Handling the text from the file

The text file data needs to be formatted so that you can access the data when you need to. 

One way to do this is to create a list with a set of other lists in it. This page is explained in the video below.

I decided to make a Global List called interNatList - this list is made at the start of the program so it is Globally available in all other definitions.  - See below....

Below I have opened the file and read to text one line at a time. 

This is then split using the splitLines(thisString) definition and a new list is returned from the data line sent to it. 

We will end up with a list containing several other lists

You may want to get rid of the /n on the end - you could do that buy using the rstrip()  function.  See below - where each line of text is stripped before being put into the list.