Task 5 ideas

This task is the same as task 4 except the source of the RLE data is a text file instead of the user entering it one line at a time. 

I approached this in exactly the same way as task 3 - if you already did task four you looked at opening a text file and we are going to do the same here.  

The above code should be familiar to you as it is just opening a file for reading - same as we did in task 4.  - So now the file is open. 

Last time we read the whole file at once - and you could do the same and then process the resulting string but you can read a file line by line (just like entering a line at a time). 

More on Files :::  More on Files

We need to step through the file and get a line at a time so we can use a for loop for this - because we know how many lines are in the file - or at least we can find out. 

More on For looping ::: More on For looping

The code below reads each line in and processes it (using the same code we did for task 3)  - the commented code was just used for testing. 

This will open a file of any length and process each line of the file before closing the file and printing the results.  Below is a test showing choosing option 3 - convert to Ascii art and the results of loading the default file LogoRLE