CCCS #6 RAM and Registers

This video is about Registers and RAM - Storing data while it is being processed in the computer.

Now try video #7

Random Access Memory created using logic gates arranged as LATCHES is what we call Main Memory in a computer or RAM.  This is where all of the data and instructions from our programs is stored while the programs are running.  (Don't confuse the idea of a Multiplexer in this hardware use to the one that might be used in a network. )

RAM and Registers

  1. What does RAM stand for?
  2. RAM is volatile - what  does that mean? 
  3. What happens to an OR gate if we take the output from it and feed it back into one of the inputs?
  4. What value does an AND gate with the output fed into an input hold? 
  5. What is and AND OR Latch? 
  6. How is an AND OR Latch useful when building a memory circuit? 
  7. Which three extra gates need to be added to an AND / OR Latch to make a Gated Latch?
  8. In the abstraction of a Gated Latch which two input lines are shown?
  9. What is a Register and what is the width of a register?
  10. What’s the difficulty faced with having gates side by side?
  11. What does Multiplexer do?
  12. How much storage do we have with 8 multiplexed modules together? 
  13. What type of RAM memory was explained and built in the video?