This video is about the first programming languages for computers.
The next one awaits - Functions and Statements
Generations of programming language
1) Machine Code - the lowest level of language
2) Assembly Code - the next level of language uses codes to represent the binary instructions.
3) High Level Languages - Like Visual Basic, C, Python etc.
4) Object Oriented Languages - Like Small Talk, Visual Basic, C++ etc. Declarative languages and SQL
Programming Languages
- What is a Machine Code program made up of?
- What is Pseudo code and what stage of the programming process is it used?
- What is the purpose of Mnemonics?
- What is the job of an Assembler?
- What kind of relationship does Assembly language have with Machine code?
- How did early computer programmers patch bugs in punch tapes?
- What are main differences between Assembly Language and High-Level language?
- What is needed for computers to read High-Level Language?
- What were the reasons people in the early days of computing to be sceptical of compilers?
- What were the benefits of using High-Level language and a compiler even with the above skepticism?
- Why did early programming languages only run on one type of machine and what were the consequences of such problem?
- What does FORTRAN stand for?
- What were the advantages of using COBOL?
You can still use a GOTO instruction - which is not recommended - in VB. but can use a label or a line number - in the first versions of BASIC it was quite common to see programs with GOTO 10 as instructions. See the inventive but annoying never ending loop below.
- 10 Print "Computer Science is Cool"
- 20 GOTO 10