CCCS#11 Programming Languages

This video is about the first programming languages for computers. 

The next one awaits - Functions and Statements

Generations of programming language 

1) Machine Code - the lowest level of language

2) Assembly Code - the next level of language uses codes to represent the binary instructions.

3) High Level Languages - Like Visual Basic, C, Python etc.  

4) Object Oriented Languages - Like Small Talk, Visual Basic, C++  etc. Declarative languages and SQL 


Programming Languages

  1. What is a Machine Code program made up of?
  2. What is Pseudo code and what stage of the programming process is it used?
  3. What is the purpose of Mnemonics?
  4. What is the job of an Assembler?
  5. What kind of relationship does Assembly language have with Machine code?
  6. How did early computer programmers patch bugs in punch tapes?
  7. What are main differences between Assembly Language and High-Level language?
  8. What is needed for computers to read High-Level Language?
  9. What were the reasons people in the early days of computing to be sceptical of compilers?
  10. What were the benefits of using High-Level language and a compiler even with the above skepticism?
  11. Why did early programming languages only run on one type of machine and what were the consequences of such problem?
  12. What does FORTRAN stand for? 
  13. What were the advantages of using COBOL? 

You can still use a GOTO instruction - which is not recommended - in VB. but can use a label or a line number -  in the first versions of BASIC it was quite common to see programs with GOTO 10  as instructions.   See the inventive but annoying never ending loop below.  

  • 10 Print "Computer Science is Cool" 
  • 20 GOTO 10