CCCS#17 Integrated Circuits

Moore's Law - Integrated Circuits 

Move on - its operating systems. 

Integrated Circuit

  1. What were the first computer circuits made from?
  2. Which technology replaced the traditional vacuum tube from early computers and why were they chosen?
  3. Which IBM computer was the first to be transisterised?
  4. Who created the first integrated circuit?
  5. Who was the person to make the IC adoptable to modern computing and how did he make them relevant in modern computing?
  6. What are advantages of using PCB over wire to connect IC?
  7. Which method of manufacturing made it possible for more complex IC designs?
  8. Give a brief description of such process.
  9. What does Moore’s Law state?
  10. What is Intel originally stood for?
  11. How did transistor count increased as the years went on?
  12. How do engineers now design ICs?
  13. What are two reasons why Moore’s law could be coming to an end?