CCCS#18 Operating Systems

Operating Systems 

Move on to Memory and Storage


  1. What problem did early programmers have when trying to interface with a printer?
  2. Why were there a need for Operating Systems?
  3. What is special about OS compared to normal programs?
  4. What is Batch Processing?
  5. What was a big problem with early computing when people began sharing softwares?
  6. What were the purpose of Device Drivers that OS supported?
  7. What bottleneck were there when computers began to become faster and faster?
  8. What was so revolutionary about University of Manchester’s Atlas computer?
  9. How is resources such as memory shared between programs in such computer system?
  10. What is virtualisation of memory?
  11. How is isolation of memory beneficial to computers as a whole (memory protection)?
  12. What is Time Sharing and how was such process used in computers and terminal system?
  13. What is difference between Multics and UNIX?
  14. What were kernel Panics?
  15. What were the cause of Blue Screen on early Microsoft OS?