Operating Systems
- What problem did early programmers have when trying to interface with a printer?
- Why were there a need for Operating Systems?
- What is special about OS compared to normal programs?
- What is Batch Processing?
- What was a big problem with early computing when people began sharing softwares?
- What were the purpose of Device Drivers that OS supported?
- What bottleneck were there when computers began to become faster and faster?
- What was so revolutionary about University of Manchester’s Atlas computer?
- How is resources such as memory shared between programs in such computer system?
- What is virtualisation of memory?
- How is isolation of memory beneficial to computers as a whole (memory protection)?
- What is Time Sharing and how was such process used in computers and terminal system?
- What is difference between Multics and UNIX?
- What were kernel Panics?
- What were the cause of Blue Screen on early Microsoft OS?