What you'll find on this page (as you scroll down)!
- PSA Course Finder
- LGS guide booklets to Politics and International Relations in the UK
- Politics Review guides to the point of a Politics degree, writing a personal statement and interview tips
- The Good University Guide 2016 to Politics including Politics University League Tables
- Useful articles and documents about studying Politics (including PPE)
- Suggested reading for personal statements
Political Studies Association (PSA) Course Finder - CLICK HERE!
The PSA Course Finder allows you to browse all Politics related courses by subject or by University and offers links to the most current information from all Institutions in the UK
LGS Guide Booklets to Studying Politics/International Relations in the UK
Politics Review guides to Politics at Uni
Useful articles and documents (including the study of PPE)
Largely taken from newspapers online looking at the study of Politics:
- Is PPE a passport to power or the ultimate blagger's degree - Guardian 2013.docx
- Is PPE the right course for me - Hull University Guidance 2014.docx
- Joint honours degrees - the case for and against - Guardian 2013.docx
- Politics and International Studies Guide - Independent 2013.docx
- Some thoughts on PPE and its role in UK politics and society - Jon Worth Blog, 2013.docx
- What it's like to study Politics - Independent 2012.docx
- Where can a Politics Degree take you.doc
- Why does PPE rule Britain - BBC Magazine 2010.docx
Recommended Reading
Do not read all of these!! But you might want to read some for your personal statement/interview (in no particular order)
- Owen Jones - Chavs (UK Politics)
- Owen Jones - The Establishment (UK Politics)
- Verdan Bogdanor - The British Constitution (UK Politics)
- Danny Dorling - Inequality and the 1% (UK Politics)
- Richard Murphy - The Joy of Tax (UK Politics)
- Oliver Stone - The Untold History of America (US Politics)
- John Paul Stevens - Five Chiefs (US Politics)
- John Paul Stevens - Six Amendments (US Politics)
- Headley Bull - The Anarchic Society (great for IR!)
- Matthew Flinders - Defending Politics
- Philip Cowley - Sex, Lies and the Ballot Box
- Anything by Noam Chomsky
- Francis Fukuyama - Origin of Political Order (or anything by him!)
- Seymour Hersh - Dark Side of Camelot (JFK/US Presidency)
- Barbara DeMick - Nothing to Envy (about North Korea)
- Thomas Piketty - Capital in the 21st Century (but it's huge - don't read it all!)
- The Federalist Papers (US Politics)
- David O'Brien - Storm Center: The Supreme Court in American Politics
- Thomas Mann - It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the Politics of Extremism (US Politics)
- Raphaël Lefèvre’s - Ashes of Hama: The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria
- Carrie Rosefsky Wickham - The Muslim Brotherhood: Evolution of an Islamist Movement
- Zaid al-Ali - The Struggle for Iraq’s Future: How Corruption, Incompetence and Sectarianism Have Undermined Democracy
- Colin Hay - Why We Hate Politics
- George Orwell - 1984
- JFK - Profiles in Courage
- Daniel Drezner - Theories of International Relations and Politics
- Jeremy Paxman - The Political Animal
- Nick Robinson - Election Notebook
- Ahmed Rashid - any of his books on the Middle East
- Try this too - http://sarcasmmovement.com/books/best-political
Everyone reads the books below (so maybe go for something different?!):
- Machiavelli - The Prince
- Hobbes - Leviathan
- Aristotle/Plato
- Karl Marx - Communist Manifesto
- Biographies - Obama, Clinton, Bush, Blair, Thatcher, Brown, etc