Unit 2 - PM and Cabinet - MID

Cabinet govt.

Core executive

Prime ministerial govt.


Political leadership

Individual Responsibility

Collective responsibility

The Prime Minister & Cabinet

Role of the Prime Minister & Cabinet, the core executive & the conventions of collective responsibility (Separate questions will not be set on the Civil Service). Powers of the PM – knowledge & role of prime ministerial power, plus key constraints on the PM; inc. external factors that affect executive policy making. Leadership styles & the changing relationship between PM & their parties, cabinet & parliament; inc. debates about the presidentialisation of UK politics.

Topic delivery will be based around this PPT., however the basics are here for pre-reading & revision:

Some thing to introduce you to the topic area we'll be looking at:

As a prelude/support to our focus on this topic area I want you to watch The Secret World of Whitehall. This 3 part documentary is contextually excellent & it will provide you with a wealth of insights into the role, institutions & processes that make up the executive branch of UK government.

Part 1: The Real Sir Humphrey (Sir Humphery was a key character & Senior Civil Servant in BBC TVs Yes Minister & Yes Prime Minister series in the 1980s... Still well worth viewing for both the excellent humour but insights into the limitations of ministers/prime ministers when in government!).

Part 2: Behind the Black Door

(NB. Notes for this second episode are available. See left)

Part 3: The Network