Political parties are a vital part of the UK's representative democracy.
For this topic you need to be able to talk convincingly about the following key areas:
+Functions & features of political parties
+Party funding
+Origins & development of the main political parties
+Current policy stances of the main parties (in relation to Welfare, the Economy, Law & Order, Foreign Policy)
+The emergence & importance of other parties (inc. policies of 2 minor parties)
+Political parties in context (inc. party systems & factors that affect party success)
PPT used in class:
For a reminder into why May called a snap election in June 2017, watch this. Its a 4 minute piece made just before the result came through that's forced her to govern as a Minority Government: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pY6Vmfm9II&list=PLbdipVIsFQHLqAnHpTgJV_ZntUCiNf-lr
For brief insight into the key parties in the UK this is worth a view:
In class (and on the PPT) we looked at this 2015 vlog into political party funding (a 'who funds who' overview). If you need another look it's here: www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02rtf0m
Exemplar political party policies (June 2017 General election):
•Political Reform
•Environment, Energy & Climate Change:
For an easy to access overview of June 2017's party policies & manifesto commitments, see: www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2017-39955886