Prime Minister & Cabinet (MID - Paper 2)

Some thing to introduce you to the topic area we'll be looking at:

N.B. There are other docos worth watching if you scroll down this page

As a prelude/support to our focus on this topic area I want you to watch The Secret World of Whitehall. This 3 part documentary is contextually excellent & it will provide you with a wealth of insights into the role, institutions & processes that make up the executive branch of UK government.

Part 1: The Real Sir Humphrey (Sir Humphery was a key character & Senior Civil Servant in BBC TVs Yes Minister & Yes Prime Minister series in the 1980s... Still well worth viewing for both the excellent humour but insights into the limitations of ministers/prime ministers when in government!).

Part 2: Behind the Black Door

Part 3: The Network

Noting Guidance sheet: 


We look closely at the powers and limitations to power that all Prime Ministers juggle with. They all have the same de jure powers, but the de facto realities are variable and diverse. A great example of which could be the short premiership of PM Theresa May. This is a great doco for this topic, so I recommend to see it:

This doco focuses of Cameron's leadership and the Brexit issue that ultimately was his downfall. Again, interesting for those of you that like recent political history, but some good insights in to the strengths and weaknesses of Cam's years in No 10:

Other insights for this topic on the complex inter-relationship between the PM and Cabinet are offered in this doco. It's a bit dated (2001/2), but still useful: