SPECIFICATION (also, click here for full document)
This is the link to my Memrise course for the US President. It has four levels of ten words each: basics, more advanced, examples and quotes.
INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE - interactive floor plan - CLICK HERE!
HipHughesHistory video library - CLICK HERE
Brian Williams - Inside the Obama White House:
- 1 Nightly News Inside the real West Wing.flv
- 2 Nightly News Setting the nations agenda.flv
- 3 Nightly News Anatomy of a talking point.flv
- 4 Nightly News Getting a read on Obamas Rahmbo.flv
- 5 Nightly News Out to lunch with Obama.flv
- 6 Nightly News Obama on public life I never thought Id have a bobblehead.flv
Inside the White House videos:
Hip Hughes Videos: