SPECIFICATION - You can access the full document here
PREZI - You can access the course Prezi here
This course PowerPoint is also useful:
This is the link to my Memrise course for the US Supreme Court. It includes 3 levels: basic vocabulary, current and previous courts, and key cases.
- Colorado Baker Case Supreme Court.docx
- Dec 2019 13B Supreme Court essays.docx
- Dec 2019 13D Supreme Court essays.docx
- Key Supreme Court Rulings Cases.doc
- Paper 3 Supreme Court noting sheet.docx
- Requiem for the Supreme Court.docx
- Supreme Court Cover Sheet.doc
- The Supreme Court Is Headed Back to the 19th Century.docx
- HipHughesHistory website video library - CLICK HERE
- By a long stretch, the best Supreme Court documentary is here - This is C-SPAN's Supreme Court Week Documentary.
- 'HipHughes' Youtube channel is OUTSTANDING - ten minute videos on Key Concepts/Cases: Article III for Dummies, Judicial Review, Supreme Court Cases for Dummies, Marbury vs Madison Explained, Roe vs Wade Explained, McCutcheon vs FEC Explained, The Warren Court, FDR Court Packing Plan (there are more than this too!)
- This Piers Morgan interview of Antonin Scalia is useful evidence for the ideology of justices:
- Otherwise, this is a useful overview of the Supreme Court too: