Pseudocode help

Pseudocode cheat sheet

1. What is Pseudocode?

Pseudocode is a simplified, structured way of describing a program's logic without using strict programming language syntax. It focuses on clarity and problem-solving, rather than technicalities.

2. General Rules for Writing Pseudocode

  • Be simple and clear: Use plain English combined with programming constructs.
  • Consistent indentation: Indent to show hierarchy and structure (e.g., inside loops or conditions).
  • Avoid language-specific syntax: Stick to general terms like OUTPUT instead of print.
  • Use capitals for keywords: Make control structures (e.g., IF, ELSE, WHILE) stand out.

3. Common Constructs and Syntax

a. Input and Output

  • Input from the user:

    INPUT variableName

  • Example:

    INPUT userName

  • Output to the screen:

    OUTPUT "Message or value"


    OUTPUT "Hello, World!"

b. Variables and Assignment

  • Assign a value to a variable:

    variableName ← value


    score ← 0

c. Selection (IF Statements)

  • Basic IF structure:

    IF condition THEN

    statement(s) ENDIF


    IF score > 50 THEN

    OUTPUT "You pass!" ENDIF

  • IF-ELSE structure:

    IF condition THEN

    statement(s) ELSE statement(s) ENDIF


    IF age ≥ 18 THEN

    OUTPUT "You are an adult." ELSE OUTPUT "You are not an adult." ENDIF

d. Loops

  • FOR Loop:

    FOR variable ← start TO end

    statement(s) NEXT variable


    FOR i ← 1 TO 10 OUTPUT i NEXT i

  • WHILE Loop:

    WHILE condition

    statement(s) ENDWHILE


    WHILE score < 100

    score ← score + 10 ENDWHILE



    statement(s) UNTIL condition



    guess ← INPUT UNTIL guess = answer

e. Procedures and Functions

Procedure (no return value):

  • PROCEDURE procedureName(parameters)

    statement(s) ENDPROCEDURE


    PROCEDURE greet(name)

    OUTPUT "Hello, " + name ENDPROCEDURE

  • Function (with return value):

    FUNCTION functionName(parameters)

    statement(s) RETURN value ENDFUNCTION


    FUNCTION square(number)

    RETURN number * number ENDFUNCTION

f. Arrays

  • Declaring an array:

    arrayName ← [value1, value2, value3]


    scores ← [10, 20, 30]

  • Accessing array elements:

    OUTPUT arrayName[index]


    OUTPUT scores[1] // Outputs 10 (arrays are 0-indexed)

  • Modifying an array element:

    arrayName[index] ← newValue


    scores[2] ← 25

4. Example: Complete Program

Problem: Write pseudocode to calculate the average of 5 numbers entered by the user.

total ← 0

FOR i ← 1 TO 5 OUTPUT "Enter a number:" INPUT num total ← total + num NEXT i average ← total / 5 OUTPUT "The average is:", average

Tips for Exam Success

  1. Understand the problem: Break it into smaller steps before writing pseudocode.
  2. Practice regularly: Try converting algorithms into pseudocode.
  3. Check your work: Ensure your pseudocode follows logical flow and solves the problem.
  4. Use the marks: Look at how marks are distributed to ensure you've covered all steps.