Run Length Encoding

Loss-Less Compression

Run Length encoding is a type of compression that seeks to make a file smaller while keeping all the information so that it can be reproduced exactly. 

 We can encode binary bits using run length encoding - see the following example

1111 1111 0011 1111 0000 0000 0011 0000

The code for the above string would be..

8 x 1 : 2 x 0 : 6 x 1 : 10 x 0 : 2 x 1 : 4 x 0

Using this code we can re-create the whole of the binary message without losing any of it. 

These techniques work best when there are a large number of the same value in a run. 

Run Length Encoding - a compression technique that replaces runs of the same value with a number and one copy of that value

Redundancy : ( Data) The number of data items in a file that are repeated any repeated data is said to be redundant (can be replaced). 

Loss-less - Compression technique where the original file can be wholly re-created from the compressed file.