Week 28 Big Data - Analysing and presenting the data 20th May

In this week's lesson we will continue to analyse the Crime data spreadsheet. 

Please open the Excel spreadsheet you saved last week. It is the one below. Also open the presentation you started last week. It will contain your Bar Chart from last week.

Save this file

Example report

Activity 1:

Copy the worksheet again and this time use it to create a report demonstrating the trend in bike crime in Nottinghamshire in the last 6 years of the data. Use the video below to help you. Again add a snip of this chart to your presentation:

Activity 2: Pie Chart

Analysis of different regions and compare against each other using a Pie Chart. This is for Vehicle offences, you will have to search for vehicle offences. This is for the current year of the data. Watch the video below to help you and again put this in your presentation and explain what the data means.

When you have finished adding the charts  to your presentation from last week upload the PPT to the task I have set you. When you have done this start to look at the revision resources for the end of Year exam. Click here for the revision resources.

Your exam will be in your Computing Lesson on the 17 June. This will be in the form of an Microsoft form.

Upload your completed presentation even if you have uploaded it to a PREVIOUS TASK