Unit 2 - UK Judiciary - MID


Judicial independence

Judicial Neutrality

Civil liberties

Rule of Law

Judges & Civil Liberties

Role of judiciary – role & significance of judiciary in promoting rule-based governance. Power & influence of judges. Knowledge & understanding of relationship between judiciary & other branches of govt & extent to which judges can check the power of the executive & Legislature. Civil liberties/individual rights. Impact of courts upon civil liberties & individual rights; inc. impact of Human Rights Act, implications of Supreme Court & a proposed constitutional bill of rights. Relationship between judiciary & EU law/European Courts.

As per - this has the basics from which my teaching will be based:

Introduction to the topic:

This is basic, but spot on for a brief intro into the topic we'll be addressing in much greater detail. Watch this... it's only 6 minutes, but definitively useful for contextual understandings into many of the issues we explore and assess:

To be viewed:

I also want you to have watched this as either a prelude to, or supporting context with, our study on the role, significance and political tensions that intrinsically exist in the relationship between government and the judiciary in the UK: